Monday, January 18, 2010

Cellulite Treatment Using Technological Methods

Regardless of what shape a woman is, 80% of women will be affected by cellulite. It may be related to dieting or exercise. However hormones, genetics and vascular changes can also lead to cellulite growth. Nevertheless, today technology offers a safer and a more effective way to treat cellulite. Cellulite appears with the changes of hypodermal layer, in which fat cells absorb lipids which become engorged and take on unusual shapes, which causes fluid to be trapped within the intertidal space which causes changes on the surface of the skin. In addition the collage and the fibersepti may become ridged and brittle. Therefore, the columns on the skin become less flexible and pull on the skin in some areas while the distended fat cells push and create bulges in some areas. The result is the dimpled surface that we call cellulite.

Today technological marvels such as photomology cellulite treatment can easily treat cellulite. It treats cellulite with a combination of dynamic laser, light energy, along with contoured rollers and vacuum, which is delivered via the photomology module. This cellulite treatment uses a combination of dynamic energy and mechanical manipulation which work together to treat the problem of cellulite affected area. In this cellulite treatment device a 650 nanometer light directly increases the permeability of the fat cell membrane. Each fat cell membrane is a fine mesh strainer, where ion and natural chemical exchange take place. As the 650 nanometer light penetrates the mesh, the fat cell begins to widen and the pore of the membrane begin to expand. While this light is facilitating these changes, a diode laser and a nine hundred and fifteen nanometers is being applied simultaneously. The fat cells absorb the nine hundred and fifteen nanometer laser on the cellulite treating device. The lipids within the fat cell begin to liquefy, and the liquefied fat is able to move out and can be absorbed by the body. Thus as a result the fat cells become smaller and start to regain their more uniformed shape. With this cellulite treating device collagen is also rejuvenated, while the vacuum suction on the cellulite treatment device further facilitates the migration of the liquefied fat through the cell membrane and out of the interspatial space. Therefore, photomology cellulite treatment can yield noticeable results in the reduction of the appearance of cellulite.

This type of cellulite treatment can work on anyone, regardless of age, sex, genetics or any other factor. Furthermore, it has no side effects. The procedure is similar to a massage, but is done electronically through vacuum suction, light and lasers which were mentioned earlier. The affected area will noticeably look healthier just after the first treatment.

Another high tech way of treating cellulite is through thermage. Thermage is approved by the FDA as a high-tech treatment for cellulite. This device generates radio cooled frequency to a hand piece and a treatment tip, which provides surface to cooling to protect the skin, while simultaneously deep heating the subcontainous area of the skin surface, which consists of fiber septae, fat cells and blood vessels. This heat restores elasticity to the fiber septae strands to smooth the skin and minimize dimples. Furthermore, heating the subcontainous tissue also stimulates the circulation and eliminates cellulite prone tissue, which reduces the appearance of cellulite. Improvement can be seen immediately however, the treatment should last for at least 6 months.

In conclusion; one should also consult their dermatologist before getting this procedure, because not all people are the same, and your dermatologist can recommend what may work best for you. Nevertheless, these procedures are quite safe and are very effective although they can be quite an expensive treatment for the average income earning person. Therefore, if you really need to get this type of treatment, then you should be ready to break the bank.

cellulite treatment


  1. Cellulite is not only an aesthetic problem, but a metabolic disease (related to the changes experienced by substances absorbed by the body) characterized by impairment of adiposities (fat storing cells), which is swollen due to accumulation of water, fat and toxins under the skin.

    Cellulite is the condition affecting indiscriminately to all types of women (young or middle-aged, thin or overweight), so fighting it depends on each person.

    How to lose body fat and how to prevent cellulite this only requires discipline and will apply in two basic points:
    Watch your diet. To reduce the disturbance, follow a balanced diet. Avoid eating outside the established schedule and limit alcohol, caffeine, and snuff. Also, drink at least eight glasses (2 liters) of water a day.
    Do not stay seated. Exercise, even in moderation, will help keep "in line" problem. If you have time to undergo routine gym, walk 20 minutes three times a week.

  2. According to research, Cellulite is fairly frustrating for a large majority of women as it negatively impacts their appearance and self-assurance.cellulite treatments that are designed to reduce your cellulite and give you a smoother look. Thanks for your great inputs over cellulite treatment.
