Thursday, January 21, 2010

cellulite treatment can work on anyone


  1. Cellulite usually occurs in puberty and affects hips, thighs and buttocks, which comes to feel heaviness and pain. To get rid of cellulite
    Reduce consumption of fat, salt and sugars.
    Increase intake of fruits, vegetables, grains and water.
    Aerobic exercise and sit ups and squats, as they help to keep muscles flexible and strong.
    Use Weight Loss Supplement, anti-cellulite gels, Natural Slimming Pills and creams.
    Give massage mitt in the affected areas in the shower, the movements must be circular and always bottom up.
    Use aromatic oils, stimulating circulation, the most recommended are the eucalyptus, lemon, lavender, sage, rosemary, juniper, geranium and verbena.

  2. I had seen the video and is really very nice and helpful and also very informative. Thanks for sharing such great video about the cellulite treatment.

    cellulite treatment
